Saturday, April 30, 2011

Beltane Episode is up

Episode 3 is up!  Just in time for some Beltane rambling.  At this Pagan Place, Beltane means love spells and I talk about a few in the podcast.  Where does that leave Valentine's Day around here?  Bah, humbug!

Click on the player below to listen to Episode 3.  The one on the right seems to take a little while to update.

See you dancing around the Maypole!

Show Notes Episode 3
Five of Pentacles

Music:  Marc Gunn “Titania Wake my Sweet Queen”
Book Review: Chicken Qabala by Lon Milo Duquette
Promo:  Eat my Pagan Ass
Tarot Draw:  Five of Pentacles
Music:  Libana, ”In May, that Lusty Season”
Bibble-babble:  Beltane
Music:  Gaia Consort, “Beltane Fires”

Dixie Deerman & Steven Rasmussen, The Goodly Spellbook: Olde Spells For Modern Problems

Judika Illies, Earth Mother Magic
Lon Milo Duquette, The Chicken Qabalah of Rabbi Lamed Ben Clifford: Dilettante's Guide to What You Do and Do Not Need to Know to Become a Qabalist


Podcast Powered By Podbean

Friday, April 22, 2011

Shownotes for Episode 2--Who forgets this stuff!

I completely forgot to post the shownotes for Episode 2! How do I forget stuff like this? Well, anyway, here they are. A little late, scarcely preceding Episode 3. Aren't these kicky titles by the way?

Show Notes Episode 2
Page of Cups

Book Review: Heart of Wicca by Ellen Cannon-Reed
Music: Omnia, “Wytches Brew”
Tarot Draw: Page of Cups
Music: Libana, “Earth, Air, Fire Water”
Bibble-babble: The Elements and Elementals
Music: Gaia Consort, “The Scythe”

Ellen Cannon-Reed, The Heart of Wicca, pp 111-115


Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Episode 2 up

Episode 2 is up.  As with any creative endeavor, the actual making of it is the least time consuming and complex.  Recording the podcast is the simplest and easiest part.  The work is in the research, the preparation and finding and learning the software.  I am enjoying the process though.

These two episodes are about a week apart, but I won't call this a weekly podcast.  From what I have learned making them, and certainly by listening to other Pagan podcasts, weekly doesn't seem realistic. Let's call it a-couple-times-a-month kind of podcast.

It's on Podbean and you can have a listen in the player below, but I think that the automatic player to the right and the feed in iTunes is an overnight process or something, since it is automatic and all.  So have a listen and leave a comment!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

This Pagan Place Podcast Shownotes for Episode 1

Show Notes Episode 1
Knight of Pentacles

Introduction:  Who I am and where I am coming from

Music:  Nhanda Devi  “Entering the Temple”

Rant:  Harm None

Music:  Inkkubus Sukkubus  “Wytches Chant”

Another Rant:  Pantheacon

Music:  Libana  “Young Rider”

Tarot:  Knight of Pentacles

Music:  Inkkubus Sukkubus  “Wytches”

Ellen Cannon-Reed, The Heart of Wicca, pp 111-115


The Knight watches pentacles dry.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

What I'm reading

We are great readers here at This Pagan Place. The books are piled up in every corner imaginable, touching on a myriad of subjects and going into to depth on others. There are cookbooks, knitting books, fiction books both classic and contemporary, some much-loved children's books; plays, pulp, and...a Secret Library.

The Secret Library is where the pagan and occult books are kept at This Pagan Place and one of the newest acquisitions is "The Chicken Qabalah" by Lon Milo Duquette and so far, I highly recommend it. Until almost a year ago I was with a Wiccan coven and one of the things we studied was the the kabbalah. Someday I am going to go into the difference between Earth Magic and High Magic and Ceremonial Magic (that will probably be a short post because the differences are not as numerous as the similarities) but for now let us just say that if you have cabala in your magic then you've got Ceremonials on your hands, and leave it at that.

For myself, I could not really get my head or heart around the study of the kabbalah although I could see the value of it. So the other day while perusing our local metaphysical shop on the prowl for a yoga video I cam across the above tome. It posits that the study of the qabalah can be funny and entertaining and I was relieved to see that. If I ever take on students myself, I may use this book--that is, if I am foolish enough to teach them such a subject that I myself do not fully endorse--or at least books like it. I mean, the Hermetic tradition takes its name from Hermes, a trickster god after all.

And as for Tricksters....well, let's leave that for another post.

Before we close, the first episode of the This Pagan Place podcast is up.  Have a listen, leave a comment.  Cheers.

Episode One of This Pagan Place Podcast

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Friends, magic works.  It doesn't work all the time, but neither does bread baking.  The most experienced baker will have failures from time to time, and so will the best witch or magician.  So when you practice your magic just remember to learn from any mistakes or failures and have yet another go. 

Welcome to this new Pagan Witchy blog.  One more pagan blog to add to the cacophony, and as if that weren't bad enough,  there is a podcast in the works and another freaking pagan book.  I think it'll be a pretty good one because I am writing it myself.  They say that if you want something done right, do it yourself.

Witchcraft is a complex and rich subject in and of itself.  Add in the diversity of practitioners and opinions, and the subject is a goldmine for people like myself.  And by people like myself I mean opinionated writers who seem to have nothing better to do than bombard the internet with more stuff about paganism and magic.  

I do, in fact, have better stuff to do,  I am just not doing it.  Not this afternoon anyway.  Maybe later when the actual breadwinner of this family gets home and we are sitting quietly together on the sofa, each enraptured by their own laptop.

Let me leave you with this gem from Terry Pratchett for now.  There is one I like better, but I have to find it.