Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Friends, magic works.  It doesn't work all the time, but neither does bread baking.  The most experienced baker will have failures from time to time, and so will the best witch or magician.  So when you practice your magic just remember to learn from any mistakes or failures and have yet another go. 

Welcome to this new Pagan Witchy blog.  One more pagan blog to add to the cacophony, and as if that weren't bad enough,  there is a podcast in the works and another freaking pagan book.  I think it'll be a pretty good one because I am writing it myself.  They say that if you want something done right, do it yourself.

Witchcraft is a complex and rich subject in and of itself.  Add in the diversity of practitioners and opinions, and the subject is a goldmine for people like myself.  And by people like myself I mean opinionated writers who seem to have nothing better to do than bombard the internet with more stuff about paganism and magic.  

I do, in fact, have better stuff to do,  I am just not doing it.  Not this afternoon anyway.  Maybe later when the actual breadwinner of this family gets home and we are sitting quietly together on the sofa, each enraptured by their own laptop.

Let me leave you with this gem from Terry Pratchett for now.  There is one I like better, but I have to find it.

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