Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Don't test my Powers!

I was tooling around on the web this hot n' humid afternoon, scanning the tarot and witchy blogs that are hanging around and found a great post by Ginny Hunt at 78 Notes to Self.  She lays out everything tarot readers wish they could tell their querents but probably never do.  I am just going to hit the high points below.  She goes into a lot more detail on her blog.

1.  I don't know whether the reading I will give you will be helpful or not.  

2.  I don't always get psychic information. 

3.  I am not a mind reader.

4.  I want you to ask questions about your reading. 

5.  You can't do what I do. 

6.  I hate when people ask for free readings. 

7.  Unless I advertise other services, don't assume I provide them. 

8.  I sometimes miss things. 

9.  I'm not going to snoop on your friends. 

10.  Don't lean on me, I'm not your crutch.  

Anyway, this post inspired me to form a new motto and it goes like this:  "Don't test my Powers; I don't have any."

Daily Draw, June 8, 2011

Today I used the Jonathan Dee deck. It's not well known, but it is colorful and energetic.  The pips are non-scenic and I have been using it lately because I have one or two face-to-face readings lined up and I find that many seekers have some familiarity with the cards, specifically the Rider Waite deck.  Just enough knowledge to be dangerous, and often a seeker will put a simplistic meaning on a card that has a much more complex meaning in the context.  So I dug out this nice little deck and I am practicing with it so that I can get the pips meanings down without the visual clues that other decks offer.

Today's draw is a little unusual.  I dropped the cards as I was shuffling and once I got it together, I had two jumpers.  So I used those two and pulled the third one.

The High Priest (5);  King of Wands;  Justice (11)

Be honest and weigh carefully any lessons or advice received from men.

The first two were the jumpers and I pulled Justice.  Very interesting!

I often go with my first thoughts when looking at a few cards like this.  Often, this comes out a little tongue in cheek, a little smart-ass sounding.  On a closer inspection here, the King of Wands is in the middle so it is the central card.  The main man--person, really--in my life is my husband.  He is even more central to my daily life these days because I am unemployed so I don't see others on a regular basis.

So the central card is the King of Wands and in this case, it represents the Oaf.  He has a strong personality, and a healthy sexual appetite.  We love to discuss various ideas and issues and go back and forth on stuff.  Sometimes he can be a bit like the High Priest--more often called the Hierophant--and I do a lot of listening.  I read the Justice card to indicate someone who is, or needs to be, fair and absolutely honest with herself, and others.  

If I were reading this spread for someone else, I would advise them to listen to advice and lessons carefully, weigh everything and be honest about what makes sense, what could work, and what might not.  To be objective.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Tarot Reader to the Stars!

I wanted to sit down and read with the cards yesterday afternoon.  It was so sunny and beautiful outside--scarcely above 70 degrees--but nonetheless, I was in a cranky, stressful mood.  It's a bad habit (in my not so humble opinion) to throw the cards for oneself on a particularly bad day because it's difficult to be objective.

Listening to the Tarot-to-Go podcast (I am making my way through its back episodes) someone talked about doing spreads for people in the news or in fiction.  That sounds like fun.  So I trolled Google News and what do you think I learned?  Scarlett Johansson and Sean Penn Split!  I didn’t even know they were together!

Cruising around the internet a little more I found a nice little 5-card spread on the Angel Paths website.  I call it the Five Squared spread because it is laid out in an even-armed cross.  If I ever use it again, and I'm sure I shall, I'll probably re-name the positions a little bit to suit my reading style.

1. Present or General Theme:    5 of Wands
2.  Past Influences:                     3 of Wands
3.  Future:                                  8 of Pents
4.  Reason:                                 9 of Pents
5.  Potential outcome:                The Devil (15)

I'm gonna say that this relationship was full of petty bickering and contention.  Not big blowouts, just lots of silly arguments. 

In the past she would always deal with stuff by taking stock of her options, surveying what she had.  This time she is going to throw herself in her work, perhjaps by churning out a bunch of formulaic movies and projects that are little more than vehicles for her or other stars.  Why?  She needs, or thinks she needs, the money.  

She should be careful how she spends her energy however, or she could find herself stuck in some unfavorable deals and contracts that  take advantage of her vulnerabilities and that she can’t easily get out of.

Well, that was fun!  Not to mention, easy as pie.  And who's to say it's wrong?  Of course, if Scarlett Johansson wants me to read her cards for real entertainment-purposes-only I would certainly oblige.

That's all for now.  More stuff later!