Saturday, July 2, 2011

Seven Sisters Spread for Organizational Meeting

What a dull post title!  Oh well, it was still an exciting thing to me at least.  I have been attempting to organize a pagan group here in my hometown.  Attitudes are open and liberal here in lovely downtown Vermont, but it's difficult to find people to be paganesque with.  I have been part of various pagan or witchy groups and classes, of different longevity but for the last year plus, I have been solitary.

So I put a listing up on Witchvox and Facebook and e-mailed back and forth with a few people and finally got something set up for Thursday evening.  I had no idea how many or who would show up or anything, and I was very nervous.  So I threw a tarot spread before I left.  I used the Seven Sisters Spread, which is a good, basic spread, but if I use it again I may tweak the positions a little bit.

The issue at hand:  What to expect from Pagan Meeting.

I think I like to read ina  more overall manner than card by card, at least at the outset of a reading.

I have  3 Aces--beginning on many levels but not very much groundedness (not the Ace of Pents).  But we have the World for that.

At either end I have cards of stasis; the 2 of Swords and the Devil. Not moving forwards.  In fact, there is very little movement in these cards except for the World.

I guess I like the Ace of Swords in the Self spot.  I am spearheading this whole thing; I am the on "on fire with it."

The only thing that bothers me is all the passivity here.

More later, as they say!

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